Love Notes

My body –

I am still learning ways not to destroy you

You are the vessel that carries me to the end

When you are gone, so am I

I decorate you to forget I once set fire to you so I could feel the warmth in my bones again

Because it was so cold


J.D.B. –

Love letters signed by you still litter my floor

All tear stained with the memories I try to block out

You were my worst mistake

I hope she tastes sweeter


A.M. –

I am sure I was your worst mistake

I want to plant forgiveness in your heart

But I know it won’t change your mind


J.S. –

When I imagine my wedding, you are standing there at the end of the aisle

Come home soon


My skin –

Your need to be red all the goddamn time gave people lots to pick apart

I tried to hide your imperfections with no avail

Deciding to be proud of you was my greatest achievement

Collisions of people are mapped out on you

Generations of triumph and hardship are written out on you

I am so sorry I ripped you apart for so long


Life –

I regretted being brought into you for years

You made me feel your weight too early

But you handed me laughter when I needed it

I am forever grateful for your gift

Even on the days I want to retreat into the darkness

On Accepting Death

For so long I have been grieving my own death

Feeling uncomfortable with every year passing that I’m still alive

I thought I would have been dead by 6 years ago

And 7 I accepted that I would float into nothing

While my body floated in rivers that were my family’s tears

All left of me dust

Deaths of idols, acquaintances, pets all reopen wounds I thought I healed

My soul aching for the embrace I once knew so close

Mourning the loss of souls in the existence I knew them in

While skipping a beat to mourn moments I nearly let mine go

A familiar voice tugging in the back of mine to let go this time

“You may have a chance to escape this time”

But I don’t

I never do


The trauma he left beats inside me as a second heart

Damaging me like the unfortunate book in your basement flood

I can’t quite piece together his face anymore

But I still have each love letter handwritten, sealed with his name

Chained around my neck in a heart shaped locket

A reminder that there was once love here

Even if tainted

I have no idea where he is anymore

I don’t care to find out


Disability // A Prompt

I still try hiding my disability, it is not pretty enough or radical enough to be in the light

People watch my hands tremble as I struggle to complete mundane tasks

Feeling my frustration that my hands can’t move fast enough but theirs can

I don’t want it to be everything that I am, but as soon as someone knows, it’s all I am associated with

Questions cause embarrassment because now I know people notice

“Do you have a limp?”

“Why does your foot sometimes drag?”

“Are you ok, your hands are shaking?”

It has me in its hold and it will never go away

I was outlasted for it before the diagnosis and medication hiding the episodes

Do you understand yet?

How can I be proud of it when I was thrown away for not being perfect enough for my peers?

via Daily Prompt: Tether