
Our past whispers with the wind and no one can hear it but us

I heard your name slip out of someone’s mouth

The warmth of tears trying to escape my eyes felt familiar and it became a little harder to breathe

You stole my heart back in that moment just for it to return to me once I spilled harbored emotions over you

Places our laughter once visited, entwined, won’t let me forget you are no longer a part of my present tense

I still have that photograph of you in front of that red building, a smile playing hide and seek with me behind the lens

Passing that little place where I felt your warmth next to me had me bottling up anything I still had for you – maybe that would dull the empty where you once lived in my heart

I heard your name escape someone’s mouth recently – she said you were quiet

All I could do was smirk because I knew you once

You were a storm filled with adventures and silly, the perfect companion for a little while

I thought we had more time

I still try to remember you happy in the past tense with me