
Someday there will be a light filling the cracks the world put in your smile

You will be granted peace after long years of suffering

There will be happiness in the small moments

The sun shining through the window with shades of orange and pink in the early morning sunrise

The person you love the most still asleep on your shoulder

You deserve what brings you warmth and joy after bloodied lips and panic’s shaking in dark corners to escape the curious eyes

Sometimes the worlds shuts you out when you become consumed by yourself and only until you return from rock bottom will it open its doors for you again

Someday may be tomorrow, someday may be years from now

But you will find yourself smiling at the little things

via Daily Prompt: Someday


After you jump into a pond with your clothes on, they stick to you for hours until they’re a little less than damp but less than dry

You won’t know what’s still pond water and sweat if it’s midsummer

His smile still hides in the corner of bittersweet memories

Each flinch you saw the disappointment in the memories still tethered to my bones but had fled my memories to the darkest corner of my brain

Disappointment in the people and how the pain still clung to me

He watched sunrises with me soundly sleeping in his arms

Moments of beauty and serenity like that surfaced with the tears when we both knew our journey together was coming to a close and all he had to say was those five words to let me go – I don’t love you anymore

Mornings waking up to rain lazily dripping off the roof as I lazily kissed your shoulder still remind me there can be good in a life tinged with bad

He may have forgotten about the ways my eyes lit up when I talked passionate

But our fingerprints still dot each other’s skin for another 6 years until they fully fade away with our bodies forgetting young love like that


via Daily Prompt: Cling

Daily Prompt: Year

2016 Wrapped Up

I saw my dreams get bigger and paint themselves different colors

Adding wishes I didn’t know where inside me

Death decided not to touch me this time around

Laughter came easy and I welcomed thousands of smiles

I didn’t let the weight of the year drown me

Beauty touched me in every moment, the good and bad

I loved and let go of good things knowing one closed door will open another

I rebuilt and reinvented myself in the shadows of heartbreak

Positivity reigned even in the darkest corners of the year

But mostly I am glad I lived

Death did not take me this time

via Daily Prompt: Year