To the Friend Living With My Abuser

You knew both before and after

He will never change but nor will you

I no longer recognize the woman I once confided in

He crushed me into dust

No longer the same reflection looking back in the mirror

Reducing me to ash with the firestorm of his own trauma

Do not pity me

But you say to let you know if you are friends with one’s abuser

What do I do when one is inseparable from him

Abusers are nice to those they aren’t abusing

And he seems “nice enough” to never have weaponized his words

Treading lightly in case his tongue was no longer enough to tear town the abandoned building I became

You do not know fear when looking into his eyes

I tried giving myself in phases as the moon does

He took it all leaving me in my own darkness

He took and took and took until there was nothing left for me to give

I was suppose to heal him while healing from him

Here I am still unlearning a love that burned going down

Still looking for my reflection

Hoping you will hear the screams to run as fast as you can

Knowing neither of you will change for one tiny voice pleading